With Avii Workspace, an accounting document management software, your people focus on completing work and not worrying about the handoffs and the other back-end intelligence. Avii automatically acts, follows predetermined workflows and makes you look smart.

Let’s see how Avii Workspace automates your accounting work.

Avii Workspace Automates Accounting Work Assignments

Every week or so, firms often hold meetings to discuss the work to be done and assign resources to start the projects. These meetings often involve everyone. Though essential, these costly gatherings impact productivity.

Squire’s implementation of Project Queues saved hundreds of hours each month.

What if firms could automatically assign work and eliminate these meetings all together (or at least reduce their frequency or length)? That’s just what Squire & Company, a regional accounting firm based in Salt Lake City, implemented and they’ve saved hundreds of hours each month.

What Squire Implemented

They created an employee profile for each member of the firm and specified each person’s competencies (such as 1040EZ, 1040, auditor, advisor to name a few). With these assigned competencies, work flows into people’s and team’s work queues (called the “Project Queue”) automatically.

Coupled with their availability and workload, the accounting document management software allows work to move ahead without the need of inefficient project assignment meetings.

How to Establish Accounting Competencies

Follow these steps to set up competencies and assign them to your staff:

  1. Once logged into Avii Workspace as an administrator, move your mouse over your profile in the upper right corner, and then choose Administration > Competencies.
  2. Click the button.
  3. Enter the competencies you want to add:
  4. To assign competencies to individuals, move your mouse over your profile in the upper right corner, and then choose Administration > Users.
  5. Click the individual’s email address, and then select the User Information tab:
  6. Add and save the competencies that apply.

How Project Queue Automatically Assigns Accounting Projects

Any work tagged with competencies will automatically appear in the individual’s or team’s queue based on the profile setting.

  1. To assign a project competency, edit and save an individual project:
  2. The project will then automatically appear in the Project Queue of anyone who is assigned that profile competency:

How to Get It

This solution is included in Resource Management + Advanced Workflows. Avii is the accounting document management software that strengthens client loyalty, automates and consolidates workflows, and ensures security and compliance.

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