
The Avii Practitioner Experience

We enable accounting practitioners to focus on the work that’s most important.

Consolidate Your Total Number of Software Systems

Over the past two decades, the accounting software industry evolved, requiring accountants to work with too many different systems and solutions. Most of your software does not deeply interact with each other. Avii helps fix the mess of your accounting firm's 35-100+ silos of disconnected applications. Avii Workspace allows you to incrementally replace or interconnect your existing accounting software, driving better experiences for practitioners and clients.

Establish a Single Workspace + Portal for All Exchanges

Avii unifies more of your work into one place, displaying real-time data and status, eliminating the need for team members to update manually. This unified experience allows you to focus on what's most important. With Avii Workspace, access robust yet flexible tools that you can alter based on individual client and staff roles, capabilities, and preferences. Our workspace + portal provides a more interactive experience spanning your engagements, projects, deliverables, budgets, service lines, software systems, and communications with team members and clients.

Create a Unified Accounting Experience

Our flexible software can replace and/or interconnect with much of your existing software, unifying more of your accounting experience into one place. Establishing a new, high-bar of unified data optimizes live automations, dashboards, and actionable data analysis to drive improvements to policies, approaches, and experiences.

Differentiate yourself and your firm. Use Avii to improve how you leverage technology to gain better results with your clients.